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E-seminar review: CART in the Courtroom: Official Reporter or Interpreter?

This informative e-seminar presented by Melissa Gum, RDR, CRR, CCP, Bakersfield, Calif., and Lesia Mervin, RMR, CRR, Visalia, Calif., sheds light on how CART services should be performed in the courtroom setting. Gum also talks about the importance of understanding the role of the CART provider in the courtroom. “We’re interpreters because we’re helping the deaf or hard of hearing, not keeping the record. It’s important to stay in the role. We’re interpreting words and things that happen.”

The e-seminar also helps attendees understand who CART consumers are and how CART providers can help them—but not just in the courtroom. There’s a need to provide services in the jury assembly room, conference room, and even the deliberation room. Consumers can be defendants, witnesses, jurors, attorneys, and family members of participants — the list is endless.

During the e-seminar, the presenters also go over protocol: how a CART providers should introduce themselves, as well as explain how everything works and what to expect. They also discuss how to set up equipment and the type of groundwork to do prior to an assignment. “Preparing for a CART assignment depends on who the person is receiving the services, as well as the setting. There are a lot of thing that can help translation rate if you’re prepared in advance,” Gum says.

In the second half of the seminar, Mervin discusses policies and procedures and why they need to be in place. She mentions many people don’t know the difference between a CART provider and an official reporter. There’s definitely a difference in the two roles, and providing CART requires different skills and additional training and equipment. The best way to prepare when people ask for the difference is to become familiar with the American with Disabilities Act, which is a great resource for what’s required. Mervin provides recommendations on how to talk about fees and additional compensation. “Everyone is trying to cut [their] budget, so be prepared by making a proposal and talking points.”

The e-seminar also offers valuable insight and examples on how to market yourself and why it’s important to learn new skills that will come in handy.

This e-seminar is now available in NCARA’S online collection.