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TechLinks: Tips for Outlook, technology rollouts, and fitness tech

TechLinks_logoThe NCRA’s Technology Committee’s email list pointed out a number of articles that would interest court reporters, including one on making better use of Outlook, a white paper on technology rollouts, and ways tech can modernize your fitness routine.

SmallLaw’s Oct. 6 blog post by Ben Schorr covers how to make better use of Outlook in each of its three key areas — email, calendar, and contacts. The email section offers tips for both those who prefer a folder method to organizing email and those who use the search function to ferret out the needed information, while the section on the calendar reminds us that it’s possible to color-code appointments. Read more. (Subscription required.)

Technolawyer released a new white paper, Winning the Battle Before it Begins – 5 Keys to a Successful Technology Rollout. The five steps outlined in the white paper, which is available as a free download for registering, start with planning, then communication, testing, and evaluating resource availability. The final step, dubbed “The White Glove Treatment,” recommends several ways to aid the users in adapting to the new technology. Download available here.

Because finding time to fit in a healthy lifestyle is always a concern for sedentary workers, including many court reporters and captioners, the Technology Committee circulated an October article from UnitedHealthcare’s website. The article prompts people to use tech to increase their fitness level, include pedometers, fitness tracking apps, heart-rate monitors, and active video games. Read more.