Court Reporting & Captioning Week initiatives (2016)
Cuyahoga Community College Captioning and Court Reporting Program
Parma, Ohio
During National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, Cuyahoga Community College invited then-NCRA President Stephen Zinone, RPR, to speak to the program’s current and prospective students during an Open House. Zinone’s keynote speech highlighted the many perks of becoming court reporters and captioners and spoke passionately about the profession. The event was held in the college’s SmartTV studio, so that attendees who could not be present in the studio could view the event through a live steaming feed on Tri-C’s website. This afforded them the opportunity to participate “live” by calling in with questions. Additionally, the address was recorded and the link posted to Facebook and Twitter.
In addition, a local news station, WKYC, fi med a segment on the profession, highlighted the program at Cuyahoga Community College, and the program’s Open House. Consequently, the Captioning and Court
Reporting Open House had a record number of more than 90 attending. This segment continues to appear on Tri-C’s website under the “See the Possible” initiative. All of these efforts resulted in increased awareness of the profession, contacts, and enrollment for the fall 2016 semester.