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Posts tagged as “Products”

TechLinks: Best gadgets of 2017

Who doesn’t love finding that perfect gadget that makes things so much easier? Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a freelancer from Portland, Ore., and a…

TechLinks: The 21st century reporter, part 2

On behalf of the NCRA Technology Committee, Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, recently shared a series of links with information to help the 21st-century reporter…

TechLinks: Helpful products

Recently, the NCRA Technology Committee has shared a few products that can help with work tasks. The products include a password management system, an education…

Tools of the Trade

Here are the answers to the questions court reporters and captioners most want to ask about the steno machines on the market. Is your system…

TRAIN: Your next realtime stop

By Lisa Knight With so many different options regarding realtime-viewing software, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of choices! Perhaps you’ve been meaning…

Product review: connection magic

As I was working as a reporter for a new trial recently, I had a scopist reviewing my realtime through Connection Magic. After I gave her…

Report on the state of vendor technology

At NCRA’s TechCon held in April, members of the association’s Technology Evaluation Committee conducted interviews with the exhibiting vendors to learn more about their products…

Products & Services Spotlight

NCRA’s Virtual Exhibit Hall The purpose of this article is to provide newsworthy information on reporter-related products and technologies. This column is for our readers…