The candidates for Vice President are Doreen Sutton, RPR, Scottsdale, Ariz., and Sue A. Terry, RPR, CRR, Springfield, Ohio.
The candidates for Secretary-Treasurer are Debra A. Dibble, RDR, CRR, CRC, Woodland, Utah, and Michele Melhorn York, RMR, Washington, D.C.
The two candidates who are running for one of the three-year director positions are Christine Phipps, RPR, North Palm Beach, Fla., and Huey Bang, RMR, CRR, Pass Christian, Miss.
Learn about each candidate on the NCRA website, including their biographies and the candidate questionnaires. As a voting member, you can also view each candidate’s video. Click NCRA 2016 Election Center and log in with your member ID# and password.
Voting will open Aug. 4, 2016, for 12 hours following the NCRA Annual Business Meeting. Members who are eligible to vote will receive an email in advance with information on how to vote.
Please make sure that we have an active email address for you in our database by July 15. Contact the Member Services and Information Center at 800-272-6272, or update your NCRA account at NCRA.org. Look for “Renew or update your record” under the Membership Tools category.