One of NCRA’s core values is respect: Leadership and staff hold members, volunteers, and partners in the highest regard. As such, NCRA has established a new procedure for members to provide feedback, share ideas, and ask mission-related questions with a direct line to leadership.
As a first go-to resource, the NCRA website,, is kept up-to-date with the most recent news, education and certification information, as well as position statements and policies.
If answers can’t be found on the website or you would like to provide feedback or an idea, please send that to the feedback center at Some questions we will be able to answer right away; other questions and ideas will require thought and discussion. The NCRA management team will convene on a monthly basis to discuss all content provided through this feedback outlet, so you can expect to receive responses and answers within three to four weeks.
Thank you in advance for your participation! The valuable ideas our members provide will help NCRA continue to advance the court reporting and captioning industry.