Tami Keenan, FAPR, RPR, CPE, Chair of the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF) Board of Trustees, has announced that the philanthropic arm of the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), has adopted a new three-year strategic plan. The robust plan includes efforts to support the NCRA A to ZTM Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program, the advancement of court reporting students and new professionals through scholarships and grants, and the promotion of the forward growth of NCRA members in their profession.
The 2019-2021 NCRF Strategic Plan was developed to support NCRA’s three-year strategic plan, launched this past August, and focuses on three areas of expansion:
I. Improve communication and better articulate value to constituents.
II. Build and operate a sustainable organizational and financial model.
III. Position the profession and Foundation for the future by focusing on being more inclusive and increasing support of educational initiatives.
“NCRF’s Strategic Plan is exciting!” said Keenan, who is also an NCRA past president. “The Trustees and staff invested significant time to create this roadmap for the future of NCRF. The strategic plan contains realistic goals and the metrics to attain those goals which will carry NCRF forward as we embrace the challenges our profession faces. It also encompasses the purpose of NCRF to serve as the philanthropic arm of NCRA. I know I speak for all members of NCRA when I express gratitude for the selflessness of those who give so much to the betterment of both organizations,” added Keenan, a retired official court reporter from Battle Creek, Mich. Communications materials and campaigns, research, and governance policy updates can be found within the details of the plan, in addition to strategies to take funding to new levels.
“As a long-term member of the NCRF Board of Trustees, I am excited that our three-year strategic plan promotes NCRA’s A to Z program to recruit and begin training the next generation of court reporters and captioners,” said Debra Cheyne, a captioner from Sherwood, Ore., who is also Chair of the Foundation’s Angel Gatherers Committee. “We are committed to expanding our long history of awarding scholarships and grants to court reporting students and first-year professionals.”
NCRF Trustee Cathy Phillips, FAPR, RMR, CMRS, a freelance court reporter from Ocala, Fla., added “I am so excited about the direction that NCRF, our Foundation, is headed with this strategic plan. With the concerted effort of everyone helping to put these ideas into place, including staff members Mary Petto, NCRF Deputy Director, April Weiner, Assistant Director for Development, and Foundation Assistant Sharon Davoren, the future of the profession looks bright.”
The full 2019-2021 NCRF Strategic Plan can be found here.