NCRA Leadership & Legislative Boot Camp, NCRA’s premier advocacy education event and legislative fly-in, is scheduled for May 5-7 and promises to be one of the best events yet! In the heart of Alexandria Old Town, Va., state leaders and members will learn how to be effective advocates for the court reporting profession and experience what it is like to advocate on Capitol Hill. NCRA’s Interim CEO and Executive Director Dave Wenhold, CAE, will return and join Director of State Government Relations Matthew Barusch and members of the NCRA Board of Directors to impart valuable skills and knowledge, such as speaking to elected officials, testifying before Congress, and using grassroots to advance your association’s goals.
“Participation in NCRA’s Boot Camp is one of the very best investments a state can make for their association because it trains another generation of leaders. Those who have gone through Boot Camp say it changes their lives and makes them more confident in all aspects of their career,” said Wenhold.
“We have had attendees take their advocacy skills well beyond the reporting field and have become aldermen, city council members, or assistant mayor. One person who helped train the court reporting leaders through Boot Camp is now the attorney general of Maine! Think of what you can do by coming to this year’s Boot Camp.”
Registration for the event is $225 for NCRA members and $325 for nonmembers. NCRA will offer discounted room rates at the Embassy Suites in Alexandria Old Town, but only for a limited time, so book your registration today!
Register at NCRA.org/BootCamp.