NCRA’s Government Relations Department is sponsoring its second Gift Basket Extravaganza to benefit the Association’s PAC (Political Action Committee). The first Extravaganza was held at NCRA’s 2018 Convention & Expo in New Orleans, La., and raised $1,905. Eleven states and NCRA participated in the fundraising event.
This year, NCRA’s Government Affairs Department is hoping even more states will join in the fun and showcase items unique to their states in beautifully displayed baskets. Last year, items ranged from bottles of wine, cheeses, various snacks, baked goods, Fiestaware, beach items, and more. NCRA’s basket featured Washington, D.C., memorabilia.
Here’s how the raffle works
Convention attendees who contribute to NCRA PAC will receive raffle tickets. Then, they will vote by putting their raffle tickets in the bowl for the basket they want to win. Lastly, a raffle will be held and the winner of the basket will be chosen at random.
Additionally, each state that contributes a gift basket will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a free registration to the 2020 NCRA Leadership & Legislative Boot Camp. The free registration will be based on the basket that accumulates the highest number of raffle tickets—essentially, the basket with the biggest draw.
To date, the following state associations have committed to donating baskets to the fundraiser:
Alabama Court Reporters Association
Arizona Court Reporters Association
California Court Reporters Association
California Deposition Reporters Association
Colorado Court Reporters Association
Florida Court Reporters Association
Mississippi Court Reporters Association
Oklahoma Court Reporters Association
South Dakota Court Reporters Association
Tennessee Court Reporters Association
Utah Court Reporters Association
Virginia Court Reporters Association
West Virginia Shorthand Reporters Association
Wisconsin Court Reporters Association
“By contributing to the NCRA PAC, you have the direct power and influence to shape how the court reporting and captioning professions are represented at a federal level — that makes this year more important than ever,” wrote NCRA student member Shaunise Day from Oakland, Calif., in an invitation to participate she sent to state association leaders. Day serves on NCRA’s PAC board and is the contributor of last year’s winning basket.
“NCRA has the unique opportunity to cultivate new alliances in the federal government and ensure that members of Congress, who know the importance of court reporters and captioners and who support the court reporting and captioning professions, stay in office,” she noted.
If you plan to submit a basket on behalf of your state, please be advised of the following:
- Provide a description of your basket with all contents that are included.
- Please note the total value of your basket and include it with your description.
- You will be responsible for shipping or transporting your basket and its contents to the convention.
Be sure to stop by the NCRA Government Relations booth and support PAC with your donation. If you have any questions about the 2019 NCRA PAC Gift Basket Extravaganza, contact NCRA Director of State Government Relations, Jocelynn Moore at jmoore@ncra.org.