Pick a bundle and save this holiday season while you earn needed CEUs. These e-Seminars are available for purchase until Dec. 27. They will then be available to watch from Jan. 1-31, 2020.
(Not for individual sale)
CEU: 0.225 CEU
Cost: $65 member/$85 nonmember
Description: Members of the NCRA STRONG Task Force will share how to use the tools that have been created for you, which you can take back to your state to educate your clients about the facts and risks of digital recording and why a stenographic reporter remains the gold standard of preserving the record. The PowerPoints, handouts, and tips will help you effectively present the material to your local bar associations and clients. By the end of the session, you’ll feel confident and ready to take on the role of steno advocate in your state!
Presenters: Phyllis Craver-Lykken, RPR, and Liz Harvey, RPR
International Depositions 101
Description: Interested in expanding your business and earning extra revenue by covering depositions internationally? Global deposition expert Ian Hardy will show you how. Specifically designed for court reporters and legal videographers, this session will teach you everything you need to know about covering depos abroad, including: 1) a survey of the market for international depositions; 2) what clients want from reporters and videographers who cover their depos abroad; 3) the legalities of covering U.S. depos in foreign countries; 4) important visa and travel information; and 5) special tips on how to keep things from going wrong when working outside the United States.
Presenters: Ian Hardy
CEU: 0.225 CEU
Cost: $90 member/$135 nonmember
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy
Description: Youʼve heard the adage “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” In this seminar, discover mental strategies and problem-solving skills that you can apply to your professional and personal activities in order to turn mountains into molehills and be the successful person you know you can be.
Presenter: Mike Hensley, RDR
Taxes and You
Description: This session will review options for self-employed individuals for filing taxes, reducing their tax liability, and maximizing their wealth opportunities.
Presenter: Meredith Glover, CPA
Two of the e-Seminars are also available to purchase separately:
- Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy, CEU: 0.125 CEU, cost: $65 member/$89 nonmember
- Taxes and You, CEU: 0.1 CEU, cost: $55 member/$79 nonmember