Have you already set your professional goals for 2020? Here are a few ways that NCRA can help you make more money by earning a certification; develop your network by participating in networking events like the NCRA Conference & Expo; or work smarter by learning something new – and earn CEUs to boot. Mark these important dates on your calendars, and you will have taken an important baby step to meeting your professional goals this year. NCRA continues to be your one-stop shop for your educational needs, whether you are working toward your next certification, your cycle-ending date, or another career goal.
Keep in mind that NCRA members can earn PDCs by passing the skills or written portion of certain tests, such as the RMR, RDR, CRR, or CLVS Exams.
Here is a short selection of dates and events (dates are subject to change):
- Jan. 31 — cycle extension deadline for cycle end date 9/30/19
- Feb. 1-20 — Registration period for March online Skills Tests (March 1-20)
- Feb. 9-11 — 2020 NCRA Business Summit, Lost Pines, Texas
- Feb. 8-15 — Court Reporting & Captioning Week
- March 1-31 — Registration period for April RPR, RDR, CRC, and CLVS Written Knowledge Tests (April 9-23)
- April 1-20 — Registration period for the online Skills Test (May 1-20)
- May 1-31 — 2020 NCRA Celebrate Certification Month
- May 15-16, 2020 — NCRA Board Meeting, Alexandria, Va.
- May 17-19 — 2020 NCRA Leadership & Legislative Boot Camp, Alexandria, Va.
- June 1-20 — Registration period for the online Skills Test (July 1-20)
- June 1-30 — Registration period for July RPR and CLVS Written Knowledge Tests (July 9-23)
- Aug. 1-20 — Registration period for the online Skills Test (Sept. 1-20)
- Aug. 6-9 — 2020 NCRA Conference & Expo, Orlando, Fla.
- Sept. 1-30 — Registration period for October RPR, RDR, CRC, and CLVS Written Knowledge Tests (Oct. 8-22)
- Sept. 30 — Submission deadline for CEUs and PDCs for members with a 9/30/20 cycle ending date
- Oct. 1-20 — Registration period for the online Skills Test (Nov. 1-20)
- Dec. 1-20 — Registration period for the online Skills Test (Jan. 1-20, 2021)
Because of how important certification is to the professions of court reporting, captioning, and legal videography, NCRA invites all members to “Celebrate Certification” Month with us in May. We celebrate all NCRA members as they show pride in the certifications they have earned, are working to earn, or are intending to earn.
Court Reporting & Captioning Week (Feb. 8-15), Memorial Day (May 25), Flag Day (June 14), the Fourth of July, and Veterans Day (Nov. 11) are also all good opportunities to schedule Veterans History Project Days to earn PDCs, although members and students are invited to participate throughout the year. And don’t forget that online skills testing is available year-round.
In addition, NCRA is planning webinars throughout the year, which will be announced in the JCR Weekly and on the NCRA Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages as more information becomes available.
NCRA has announced Town Halls with NCRA President Max Curry, RPR, CRI, for Jan. 11, Feb. 22, and March 21. Additional dates will be announced later this year. The Town Halls, offered via Zoom, allow NCRA members the opportunity to ask questions via a Q&A feature. Registration is required, and only NCRA Members may attend the Town Halls.
Watch for more information in the JCR, in the JCR Weekly, and on TheJCR.com for registration, deadlines, and other ideas to earn continuing education.