Take a break and revel in your professional achievements during NCRA’s 2020 Celebrate Certification Month.
For the last three years, NCRA has designated May as Celebrate Certification Month, a time for members to reflect on the professional certifications they have earned, are working toward earning, or are planning to earn. To help members get a jump on celebrating, NCRA’s official Celebrate Certification Month resource page is now available.
“NCRA members are proud of their professional accomplishments, especially their certifications. I know I am of mine,” said NCRA President Max Curry, RPR, CRI, a court reporter and firm owner from Franklin, Tenn.
“Professional certification reflects a deep commitment to our unique skills and to keeping them polished to guarantee that we provide the highest quality of service and product to our clients. Professional certifications are the highest investments we can make in ourselves, and NCRA is proud to recognize May as Celebrate Certification Month for the third consecutive year,” Curry added.
“Ever since I enrolled in court reporting school, I knew I wanted to obtain as many certifications as possible,” said Maria T. DiGiovanni, RPR, a freelance court reporter from Chicago, Ill. “Once I passed my CSR in 2018, I kept working toward my RPR certification as well. Passing the RPR has always been an important goal of mine, as it is the stepping-stone which leads to a variety of additional national certification opportunities that NCRA has to offer its members,” she added.
NCRA members are encouraged to download and use these free resources that include career flyers, press release templates announcing the earning of a new certification, handouts about what each certification means, information about the benefits of working with a nationally certified professional, and more.
Other favorites include customizable business cards that can help showcase your certification and what it means, social media messages to share throughout the month, articles with information about tips for successful testing, why certification is important, and official Celebrate Certification Month artwork and certification logos.
Celebrate Certification Month is the perfect time to make an investment in yourself by committing to earning a new certification. Professional certifications not only boost your skills, they can boost your earning potential. Be sure to share with your clients, potential customers, or anyone interested in a career in court reporting, captioning, or legal videography, why NCRA professional certifications matter.
“It’s an honor to add the initials of RPR behind my name. Passing this exam has boosted my knowledge and confidence in the courtroom,” said Julie Lyn Bloom, RPR, an official court reporter from New Douglas, Ill. “It’s pushed me to become a better reporter, and has solidified that, yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I never thought I’d achieve this designation, and now with a little confidence under my belt, I’m embarking on the seemingly daunting task of achieving the next level – the Registered Merit Reporter designation. No matter how long it takes, I’m challenged to keep learning and improving,” she noted.
Make plans to celebrate yourself and your peers during the 2020 Celebrate Certification Month. For more information, visit 2020 Celebrate Certification Month, and don’t forget to share how you plan to celebrate with NCRA’s PR staff at pr@ncra.org.