By Tami Keenan

Hello, you wonderful Angels! On behalf of the NCRF Board of Trustees we hope you, your family, and friends are weathering this pandemic. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Life has changed so drastically in a snap. How are you coping with it, with remote jobs, being an essential worker, children off school who still need their education, our elderly and challenged family members who need care, loved ones in nursing homes? The list goes on and on.
My husband, Reggie, and I take our dogs over to the local boat launch every afternoon because apparently there are different smells that erupt each day that our canines must investigate. Recently, my dear friend, who is my standing lunch date on Fridays before the stay-at-home order, called me while I was down there and pulled up in her car to see me. In the past, we would hug when we first see each other and hug when we leave.

No hug this time, not even a touch of the hand. Many of you who know me know that I’m a hugger and a handshaker; not sure about new rules on hugging and handshaking after this is over.
When is after anyway? We all have so many questions. No one has all the answers.
One answer I do have is this: NCRF still continues to administer our programs. Now’s a great time to transcribe a veteran’s oral history and earn PDC credit. You can access the Legal Education course “Making the Record” on our website on this page.
Familiarize yourself with it; when you’re comfortable about it, you’ll be ready to present it. Volunteer to help with the online NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program. Volunteer to be a mentor for an A to Z student. Get involved.
The NCRA conference is still on the horizon for Aug. 6. NCRF will be there, and we will have Foundation and Angel activities, awards, and scholarships. Keep reading to see what you are invited to.
Take care, my friends, be safe! Hope to see you in Orlando. We need you to join us there. Stay healthy so you can help us advance our industry, advance our foundation, and advance our world.
Tami Keenan, FAPR, RPR, CPE, is the Chair of the NCRF Board of Trustees.