Last week we emailed a detailed explanation of proposed Constitution & Bylaws (C&B) Changes #1 and #3 that were published in the June edition of the JCR. We have continued to receive feedback from a number of members both in favor of and in opposition to the amendments. There were valid points made about the implementation and execution of the amendments if passed.
Your NCRA Board of Directors understands the importance of listening to the membership and making decisions that are in the best interest of everyone. I have also been in a Zoom conference this week with the leadership of our National Congress of State Associations (NCSA), in which we discussed the amendments. NCSA has agreed to take the proposed amendments and work with the NCRA STRONG Task Force with an eye toward revising and redefining the amendments’ language. I have faith that these leaders will produce amendments that are fair in their application and unambiguous in their intent.
Please be advised that the Board will likewise be addressing this matter at our August Board Meeting that will be open for members to observe. A registration email will go out ahead of time for you to be able to register to receive the link to view the meeting. All properly proposed amendments will be under consideration for your vote and ultimate decision at the August 2021 Business Meeting in Las Vegas, Nev. Good governance and leadership mean sometimes admitting that I as President and we as a Board made a mistake and didn’t get it completely right, not for a lack of effort, but simply because, as humans, we are all flawed. Our intent is solid, but proper execution is key. I believe we got this 85 percent right, but that’s not good enough when it comes to NCRA’s governance.
I wish to take this opportunity to say “thank you” for being a valued part of our profession and a part of this organization. Only through working cooperatively, with receptive ears and open minds in conversation, do we reach positive conclusions.
Max Curry, RPR, CRI, LCR, B.C.R.NCRA President