Gear up for a new experience! NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 is happening Aug. 7-9 offering nearly three days of educational sessions, vendor presentations, and networking opportunities. Choose from a number of sessions to attend live and have access to recorded sessions through midnight Aug. 25. Students can purchase a full registration package for the special price of $60 members/$75 nonmembers.
NCRA Connect 2020 is the Association’s first-ever virtual conference, that will feature live events. Participants will have access to a variety of informative and interesting educational sessions, a dynamic keynote presentation, and numerous networking opportunities packed with fun, games, and prizes, and much more.
See the complete schedule of sessions including networking opportunities, exhibitor showcases, and the virtual vendor hall at
“As we all start to settle into our new normal, NCRA is excited to bring its annual Conference & Expo to you, wherever your new normal may be. Please join your Board of Directors, colleagues, and friends at NCRA Connect Virtual 2020,” said NCRA President-elect Christine Phipps, RPR, a firm owner from North Palm Beach, Fla. Phipps will be installed as 2020-2021 President during the General Session happening on Aug. 8.
“This virtual conference is a first for NCRA, and I encourage everyone to pull up a chair, a couch, or whatever your choice of seating maybe these days and get ready to enjoy the insights of a dynamic keynote speaker, a variety of educational sessions popping with valuable information to help you grow professionally, and ample networking opportunities,” she added.
Attendees also will have the opportunity to participate in a number of specialty networking sessions geared toward officials, freelancers, captioners, new professionals, and students and teachers.
“Networking is essential in our profession. Attending an NCRA convention will put you in the right place at the right time to meet the right people that can help you advance in your career,” said Teresa Russ, CRI, a captioner and freelance court reporter from Bellflower, Calif.
“Oftentimes you never know what to expect when you accept a job, whether it’s captioning or covering a depo. The seminars are designed to meet the needs of the challenges court reporters, CART and broadcast captioners, and students will possibly encounter,” she added.
If you’ve never had the opportunity to attend an NCRA conference in person, let NCRA Connect 2020 be the perfect first-time opportunity. With low registration fees, no travel or hotel costs, and the ability to access all of the sessions up to 14 days after the event, there’s no reason not to attend.
“NCRA in-person national conventions have been occurring almost every year since the first one was held in 1899. Be a part of history in the making as we turn a new technological chapter in the 121-year evolution of NCRA,” Phipps added.
Special student sessions:
Success as an Online Student
A successful working reporter who was an entirely online student and one of her online instructors will discuss strategies for success in school. Topics will include organization, setting goals, and the mental game plan to pass those tests!
Presenters: Jensen Wohlegmuth and Kelly Moranz, CRI
Jensen Wohlegmuth Kelly Moranz, CRI
Controlling your Subconscious

Attendees will be trained to control negative self-talk by utilizing affirmations. NCRA member Teresa Russ, CRI, will share exercises to help you implement affirmations in your own life, as well as teach you how to create a strategy when taking tests and then how to execute that strategy. A short video entitled “The Zone” by NCRA Mark Kislingbury, FAPR, RDR, CRR, will be shown, with a discussion and exercises to follow. Attendees will be encouraged to see themselves as an athlete — a stenoathlete.
Presenter: Teresa Russ, CRI
Understanding the Profession After Graduation
So, you have put in all the work to graduate and have your résumé ready; now what? What certifications do you need? What kinds of questions do you ask when interviewing? Are benefits available? Software? How are you paid? What are the salary ranges across the country? Get answers to these questions and more. Become confident in your professional knowledge now that you have the skills necessary to begin your career.
Presenters: Barbara Galarno, RPR, CRI; Court Petros, RPR
Barbara Galarno, RPR, CRI Court Petros, RPR
For the full schedule and to register visit the NCRA website. Remember, sessions will be available to view through midnight Aug. 25, so you won’t have to worry about missing a minute of this virtual experience.