Want to know what it takes to build a million-dollar court reporting business? Then register for NCRA’s Connect Virtual 2020 happening Aug. 7-9 and attend the session being led by Cassandra Caldarella, a freelance court reporter from Santa Ana, Calif.
According to Caldarella, who will be presenting her session on Aug. 7, “attendees will be inspired to set themselves apart as an expert in their field, learn to leverage existing technology to scale their business, and fully embrace entrepreneurship to be a part of the million-dollar, one-person business revolution.” She added: “They’ll also learn the five proven steps to build their business, which include branding, market focus, scaling, monetization, outsourcing, and automation.”
Caldarella is a court-approved court reporter pro tempore, an ex-official at Los Angeles Superior Court, and CEO and founder of CoverCrow, Inc., a free on-demand job board for court reporters and agencies.
Happening on the schedule the same day is Delegate to Dominate: Working with Scopists & Proofreaders that will be presented by NCRA member Lauren Lawrence, RPR, a freelance court reporter from Kansas City, Mo. Lawrence will share with attendees the ins and outs, ups and downs of working with scopists and proofreaders, as well as cover the best practices for finding, vetting, hiring, and even firing transcript teammates. She’ll also share her insights about efficiency collaboration techniques, tips, and tricks, and making money.
Lawrence is founder of Stenovate, an online project management tool for court reporters to connect with editors and other transcription support staff.
Interested in learning more about the latest in gadgets and apps to help you be more self-sufficient, productive, and courageous in your everyday life? Then be sure to tap into Reporters and Gadgets and Apps – Oh, My! being led by Lynette Mueller, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a freelance court reporter from Memphis, Tenn., and Chair of NCRA’s Technology Committee. Mueller will share with attendees her favorite gadgets and apps and other resources she relies on to assist her in meeting the many challenges that arise in the deposition or courtroom setting, and more.
“Working as a court reporter has so many opportunities that students many times need some help in understanding all their options,” according to Barbi Galarno, RPR, CRI, a court reporting instructor at Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland, Wis. Galarno will be joined by Court Petros, RPR, a recent graduate of MacCormac College in Chicago, Ill. Petros is also a newly certified RPR now working as a freelance reporter in the Chicagoland area. Petros became certified during the COVID-19 pandemic, so he is becoming well-acquainted with remote depositions. He enjoys talking to students and helping subdue their fears about beginning their careers as court reporters. They will present Understanding the Profession After Graduation, geared toward students nearing graduation and those just entering the profession.
“This presentation will help them to understand how to navigate those options when getting hired as a freelance reporter, official reporter or CART/captioner,” Galarno said. “Also, they will gain an understanding of the various certifications and how to earn them.”
If motivation, beating obstacles, achieving goals, and growth mindset are of interest to you, be sure to check out the session being led by Matthew Moss, RPR, an official court reporter from Denver, Colo. “Overcoming obstacles and achieving goals requires a sustained investment of time and energy,” according to Moss.
“Yet what we believe about skill, talent, practice, and setbacks can undercut the progress we make toward our goals. My presentation at NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 will examine fixed and growth mindsets, how they show up for stenographers, and how to make adjustments that may allow you to break through the wall between you and your next career milestone.”
Other highlights on the schedule include keynote speaker Amy Henry, who was the last woman standing in the first season of The Apprentice and now is a published author and formidable businesswoman, and Cathy O’Neal, communications director for Levitt Pavilion Arlington, an outdoor concert venue that presents more than 50 free concerts a year, who has planned a fun and enlightening look at how social media can be changed from chore to tool in a firm’s business plan for success.
Make sure you plan to be a part of the special networking parties that are happening Saturday, Aug. 8, from 6- 6:45 p.m. (Eastern) for captioners, legal videographers, freelancers, new professionals, officials, and students and teachers. These special networking sessions are being led by a number of NCRA committee chairs and are aimed at helping members mingle, make new connections, gain fresh ideas, garner career advice and support, build confidence, and gain a different perspective. Networking has even been known to lead to new job opportunities.
See the complete schedule of sessions, including networking opportunities, exhibitor showcases, and the virtual vendor hall, at NCRA.org. Full registration to the NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 includes access to all three days of activities, including all non-CEU activities and 16 CEU sessions of the registrant’s choice for a total of 1.6 CEU credits and costs $325 for members. A half registration package is also available that includes access to all three days for all non-CEU activities and seven CEU sessions of the registrant’s choice for a cost of $200 for members. The special rates for students are $60 for members. Remember, sessions will be available to view through midnight, Aug. 25, after the event, so you won’t have to worry about missing a minute of this virtual experience.