Donna Capolongo of Red Bank, N.J., is the winner of a $100 gift card sponsored by The Steno Doctor for the NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 aspirations drawing. She sent in her aspirations both personally and for NCRA. Many of the answers will be featured as part of Sunday night’s event honoring 2020-2021 NCRA President Christine Phipps, RPR.
“In the past few months, many of us have become masters in adapting, learning to become resilient, to pivot, and to focus on what really matters the most,” Phipps said. “Many of us are rethinking certain aspects of our lives including careers, our well-being, relationships, and more. I believe that an important part of achieving your goals in life is to be intentional about your goals. You should begin each day as you want to finish it,” Phipps said.
“I found out about court reporting years ago in high school when a rep from the local CR school came in to talk to us about it, but I decided to continue on to secretarial school since I had already been accepted,” said Capolongo, a court reporting student who shared her aspirations through the online survey. “From there I became an IT recruiter, which I did for 25 years. When I was thinking about a career change, my first choice was court reporting since I was so intrigued with it since high school. I thought about it often. And now here I am.”
She will be attending NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 later this week.
“I’m looking forward to the seminars being presented and also potentially meeting some of the court reporting friends I’ve made online,” she said.
Capolongo shared her goal for the coming year: “My primary intention is to do everything possible every day to achieve my goal of completing school.”
Although the drawing is done, the link is still open to share aspirations and goals. If you are attending NCRA Connect, you just may see your message on the screen during the Sunday evening NCRA 2020-2021 Champagne Wishes and Professional Dreams networking event!