Congratulations to the 10 student winners of an NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 registration! The winners’ names were announced on Facebook by 2020-2021 President-elect Christine Phipps, RPR, owner of Phipps Reporting, West Palm Beach, Fla., who also provided the prizes.
NCRA Connect starts Friday and offers some sessions for students like Understanding the Profession After Graduation with Barbara Galarno, RPR, CRI, and Court Petros, RPR, and Success as an Online Student with Jensen Wohlgemuth and Kelly Moranz, CRI.
Students — and all registrants — will also be able to network with others in the court reporting and captioning community and enjoy fun events at the end of each day.
The winners are:
Allison Fang, Del Mar College
Rebecca Larsen, West Valley Community College
Amanda LeFebre, South Coast College
Maria Elain Nermon, Cypress College
Eileen Quiles, Plaza College
Laura Smith, Court Reporting at Home
Robyn Stokes, self-study
Sai Tsang, StarTran Online
Lisa Tunzi, College of Court Reporting
Zoe Zimmerman, Atlantic Technical College