Maxine Roberts, RDR, an official in Akron, Ohio, is the winner of the NCRA Marketing Photo Contest. She told the JCR Weekly a little about the photo and how she feels about winning.
JCR | What gave you the idea to have pictures taken with your steno machine?
MR | I’ve been a court reporter for more than 30 years and have never captured or seen a photo of myself while on the job. Of course, I’ve seen very brief snippets of myself from coverage of different cases on the local news stations, but I wanted to do something fun with it to create a memory for myself as I near retirement.
JCR | Do you have plans on how you want to use the photos?
MR | I will probably print and frame it for myself.
JCR | Why did you decide to enter this profession?
MR | I knew nothing about the court reporting profession when I decided to embark upon it. At the time I was working at a local hospital on a part-time basis while attending the university. Knowing neither was what I wanted to do, I took to the ads in the local paper and ran across an advertisement for the Academy of Court Reporting and decided to try my hand, or hands should I say. I’ve now been at it 35 years, and here I am today.
JCR | What did you think when you heard you won our contest?
MR | I was completely surprised. Who knew a last-minute decision would produce a winning photo?
JCR | Anything else you would like to add?
MR | I want to thank NCRA for choosing my photo and thank my photographer, Lonnie Griffin Photography, for taking care of me at the last minute.
NOTE: Roberts will also be featured as the NCRA member profiled in the October JCR.