This year, NCRA’s Virtual Connect event attracted the highest number of students we’ve seen in years: 124! Without the cost of travel, hotel, and food, the conference was more affordable than ever. The unique virtual format gave students the chance to not only attend every educational session but to pop into several different networking meet-ups as well. “I was exposed to the most wonderful group of ladies and gentlemen I have had the privilege to Zoom with,” said Tygerr Recchia, of Green River College in Auburn, Wash.
Up-to-Speed asked the student attendees to give us feedback on their Virtual Connect experience.
UTS | What were some of your favorite sessions?

Motivation, Beating Obstacles, Achieving Goals, and Growth Mindset presented by Matthew Moss, RPR. “Matt Moss’ way of explaining our brain workings was my most favorite thing. I loved the science behind it and all of the resources he added.” – Savannah Jordan, Mark Kislingbury Academy of Court Reporting
Controlling Your Subconscious presented by Teresa Russ, CRI. “I really enjoyed the session with Teresa Russ on controlling your subconscious. I am a firm believer of speaking great things over your life. I also enjoy Teresa’s message on not giving up despite the struggle.” – Shaunise Day, Oakland, Calif., Simply Steno
Build a Million Dollar Court Reporting Business presented by Cassandra Caldarella. “I absolutely loved Cassandra’s energy and passion for court reporting. Her presentation was fabulous and insightful. It was informative, and it inspired me so much to help me persevere on those days when testing seems insurmountable! She showed me anything is possible, and the sky is the limit! I loved it!” – Tygerr Recchia
Motivation, Beating Obstacles, Achieving Goals, and Growth Mindset presented by Matthew Moss, RPR and Success as an Online Student presented by Jensen Wohlgemuth, RPR and Kelly Moranz, CRI. “Having been in school for three years, sometimes I feel like I’ve heard all the tips for being a student, but these two offered good strategies that I can employ in my next speed and beyond.” – Rachel Helm, Green River College in Auburn, Wash.
UTS | What did you think of the social events?
“The captioning meetup was the best event of my life! They were very honest about the state of the business and how they needed captioners, so it was very encouraging for students knowing they are wanted! They were fun and insightful. They answered all the students’ questions, and all really love what they do. Every single one of them said this was the best decision they ever made, and I have no doubts, never have had, but this just cemented it in, that I too have made the best decision I ever made no matter how long it takes to get there!” – Tygerr Recchia
“It was honestly a little easier to socialize in the virtual events than it was last year in Denver, Colo. As a student, I was overwhelmed, and often the presenters had too many people to really keep up with in real life. The virtual social events were fantastic.” – Rachel Helm
UTS | What was the best thing about the conference?
“Getting to meet everyone who want nothing but the best for you. Everyone was willing to share contact info, go into depth about more questions, and being overall welcoming.” – Savannah Jordan
“Strategies on getting through school and knowing I’m not alone in sometimes feeling frustrated or not fast enough or like it’s taking me forever to get through school. Also I really, really appreciated being able to watch the videos after the original dates, because I work, I’m a parent, and I am in school, so I’m busy and I would have had to not get something done if I had attended all weekend.” – Anonymous
“Actually, seeing that people want you to succeed in this profession and there is indeed a need for reporters, etc.” – Mayone Brown, Court Reporting and Captioning at Home
“The friendliness. Several court reporters reached out to me to say hello.” – Lisa Tunzi, College of Court Reporting, Valparaiso, Ind.