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Call to action from President Christine Phipps

The NCRA Captioning Committee and NCRA President Christine Phipps, RPR, are issuing this call to action to NCRA members to ask for your participation in a letter-writing campaign to the Federal Communications Commission’s Disability Rights Office (FCC DRO). The Captioning Committee has drafted a template letter for NCRA members advising the Disability Rights Office that a myriad of local television stations in the top 25 Designated Market Areas are not adhering to the FCC’s caption quality best practices. And I am personally asking for your help to join together in advocating for the captioning profession. Please sign and email this letter directly to the Disability Rights Office.
To answer our call for action, download the letterdate and sign your name in the fillable portions, and email the letter directly to the Federal Communications Commission’s Disability Rights Office (FCC DRO) at You will receive an automatic response from the FCC as soon as you send your email.