NCRA’s Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate of nominees for the 2021-2022 association year. The upcoming year includes nominations for President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Director seats, with each Director nominated for a three-year term. As the current President-Elect, Debbie Dibble, RDR, CRR, CRC, Salt Lake City, Utah, automatically ascends to the presidency.
The slate of officers includes:
- President-Elect: Jason Meadors, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, Fort Collins, Colo.
- Vice President: Kristin Anderson, RPR, San Antonio, Texas.
- Secretary-Treasurer: Cindy Isaacsen, RPR, Shawnee, Kan.
Also nominated to serve three-year Director terms are:
- Saba McKinley, RPR, CRI, Murfreesboro, Tenn.
- Erika Sjoquist, RPR, CRR, Savannah, Ga.
NCRA’s Nominating Committee is composed of Chair Max Curry, RPR, CRI, Nashville, Tenn., and Members Lisa Knight, FAPR, RDR, CRR, Littleton, Colo.; Kelly Linkowski, RPR, CRR, CRC, CPE, Rittman, Ohio; Brooke Ryan, RPR, Sacramento, Calif.; Joe Strickland, RPR, CRR, CRC, Washington, D.C.; and Karen Tyler, RDR, CRR, CRC, Shreveport, La.
Additional nominations are possible if received within 60 days after publication of the Nominating Committee slate. The date by which additional nominations must be received is May 9. Please refer to Article VIII, Section 3, of the Constitution and Bylaws for more information. If additional nominations are received, information on how and when to vote will be provided after the May 9 deadline. NCRA’s membership will then vote on the nominations at least 30 days before the Annual Business Meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, July 29, 2021, in Las Vegas, Nev.