Jocelynn Moore, NCRA Director of Government Relations, represented the Association virtually on a legislative panel during STARCON21 hosted by Stenograph, Technology, Agencies, Reporters (STAR). Moore provided a legislative update on Oct. 16 to court reporting and captioning professionals, students, agency owners, videographers, scopists, proofreaders, and editors about NCRA’s advocacy efforts on H.R. 4652, the Training for Realtime Writers Act of 2021, and S. 420, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021.
“I was honored to give a presentation on our federal lobbying and advocacy efforts to the attendees at STARCON21 and grateful that the organizers included an NCRA presence,” Moore said. “It’s vital that our members are fully informed about the legislation that has the potential to greatly affect their livelihoods so that we can organize as a collective to make an impact and to implement change.
“It is my hope that the attendees have a better understanding of these two very important pieces of legislation and how they can work individually or with their state associations to oppose or support these bills,” Moore added.
To learn more about NCRA’s national or state-wide advocacy efforts, please contact NCRA Director of Government Relations Jocelynn Moore at