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NCRF Donors: Consider yourselves 360-degree THANKED!

By Early Langley

I just want to take this moment to wish you a Happy New Year and send wrap-around thanks from all of us at the National Court Reporters Foundation.

We know that in one form or another you donated to NCRF last year, which shows you care. With our last two years being anything but predictable, we hope that your NCRF donations give you a rewarding sense of “doing good.”

When I think about “doing good,” I think of President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address. He said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

You are doing something great for your profession when you support NCRF. While much of what is ahead regarding the pandemic is not clear, we do hope that your professional workload is thriving. If so, please continue “doing good” with NCRF this year.

Each tax-deductible donation that you make is a direct investment in our court reporting and captioning professions. We are about to formulate our new Strategic Plan. To help formulate that plan, we recently sent you a survey asking for your comments and feedback. If you have not already completed the survey, please take a minute to do so.

Now is the time we need to keep our “eye on the prize” for our Foundation programs that target court reporters and captioners in all phases of our members’ careers. Your “investments” in our scholarships, grants, community outreach, disaster relief, wellness programs, and more are prizes for all of us.

I will now step out of your way so that you can check out our recent NCRF initiatives. Be well, and know your support means everything to us at NCRF. Email me with your ideas to I would love to hear from you!

Early Langley, RMR, is Chair of the National Court Reporters Foundation.