Several members of NCRA’s Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) Council were on hand to help administer and grade the Spring Hands-on Training and Production Exam to eight candidates. The event was held March 31-April 1 at the Association’s headquarters in Reston, Va.
CLVS Council Chair Andrea M. Kreutz, CLVS, from Des Moines, Iowa, was joined by Vice Chair Robert Butcher, CLVS, from Lakewood, Colo., member Jonathan S. Moretti, CLVS, from Kalamazoo, Mich., and David Jenkins, CLVS, from Minneapolis, Minn.
During the Production Exam, the candidates ran the show at a staged deposition where they were graded on their ability to follow video deposition guidelines and to produce a usable, high-quality video of the deposition. Before taking the Production Exam, candidates completed the mandatory CLVS Certification Workshop, which is offered online, and were strongly encouraged to take the optional Hands-on Training. All eight candidates who took the Spring exam also participated in the optional Hands-on Training.
On hand to assist with role-playing during the mock depositions were NCRA staff members Cynthia Bruce, Senior Director of Education and Certification; Amy Davidson, Director of Certification and Training; Tess Perdue, Certification and Testing Program Manager; Cynthia Ducar, Professional Development Program Manager; and Melissa Triplett, Professional Development Assistant.
The CLVS Production Exam is administered two times a year, in the spring and the fall. The cost of the exam is $350 for NCRA members and $450 for nonmembers. For cost and registration information for the CLVS Mandatory Certification Workshop, optional Hands-on Training, and CLVS WKT, visit
NCRA members who hold another credential, such as the Registered Professional Reporter (RPR), can earn 0.25 PDC each after passing the CLVS Written Knowledge Test and the CLVS Production Exam.
Please visit for additional information. If you have any questions, email

Front (left to right): Tess Perdue, Andrea Kreutz, Melissa Triplett, Cynthia Bruce, Cynthia Ducar