The deadline to apply for the NCRF Student Intern Scholarship is Dec. 9. Two $1,000 awards will be given to high-achieving court reporting students who have completed the internship portion of their education. Judicial, CART, and captioning students are encouraged to apply.
Eligibility requirements for the scholarship include current NCRA student membership, speed test requirements, and a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicants must be nominated by their schools and must also submit a letter of recommendation and an essay. This year’s essay topic is “How do you envision technology to help you as a tool to be a better stenographic court reporter or captioner?” The application and full submission details can be found here.

Read about the 2021 Student Intern Scholarship winner Katie Picciano.
The NCRF scholarship program promotes encouragement and incentives for students and new professionals to learn and strive for excellence. The program is supported by donations to NCRF, which are tax deductible. To learn about all NCRF fundraisers, or to donate, visit the Foundation Fundraisers page.
For more information about NCRF and other scholarship and grant opportunities, email