NCRA opened 2024 membership renewals just three weeks ago, and already so many of you have taken advantage of the opportunity. Sure, there’s a $300 Amazon gift card to be won in September (with additional prizes in October and November), but there are so many other reasons to renew early.
“I know there’s always a contest or something,” says Courtney N. Langhoff, RMR, CRR, a freelancer from St. Petersburg, Fla., “but, honestly, I find it nice to just stay squared up and make sure that my credentials are in good standing.

“I firmly believe that our credentialing through the NCRA is one of our most important standards out there. It helps keep us relevant, and many attorneys know that, when they see these letters after our names, we’ve earned certifications through hard work and a commitment to the profession,” Langhoff added.
Certifications are also important to Lisa Lang, RMR, CRR, CRC, a freelancer from West Pasco, Wash., who renewed in early September. “I worked very hard for my certifications and don’t want to lose them, so that is my main reason for still maintaining my membership,” says Lang, an NCRA member since 1979. “I also enjoy reading the articles in the JCR Weekly so I can keep up with news related to this amazing profession!”

Renewing early is a great way to check something off your to-do list, keep renewal emails out of your inbox, and save paper and postage.
In addition, all members who renew before the end of October will be receiving a graphic to proudly display on social media or as an email banner to let others know they have renewed early. It’s a small sign to show our appreciation, but we want everyone to know our early renewing members really rock!

Ready to renew your membership? Learn more about the benefits of renewing early here.
[…] to win a $200 Amazon gift card or a $100 gift card donated by Pengad. Members will also receive a graphic to proudly display on social media or as an email banner to let others know they have renewed […]