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Why you should vote yes on the proposed dues adjustment

By Meredith Bonn

This boils down to one stark reality: If you want NCRA to continue as an Association, you must vote yes for the proposed dues adjustment. NCRA plays a crucial role in our industry; without it our future is bleak. It is challenging to advocate for our profession, and we need associations to facilitate that mission. The only way the Association can continue is to have enough money to operate with.

The dues adjustment the NCRA Board of Directors is recommending is still not even as much as the cost of inflation; it is the bare minimum needed to function. I want NCRA to function at more than the bare minimum. I certainly want NCRA to continue to exist and to continue to advocate for court reporters, captioners, legal videographers, and students. In my opinion, this proposed dues adjustment of $50 is of supreme importance. Please vote yes on this proposal.

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Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Learn more about the proposal.

Meredith Bonn, RPR, CRR, of Webster, N.Y., is a freelance reporter and Chair-Elect of the NCRF Trustees. She can be reached at