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Why do I support the dues increase for NCRA?

By Pat Graves

I am a long-term member of NCRA and currently run a CART and captioning company. I write to support the proposed $50/year membership dues adjustment and the $25/year retired members’ dues adjustment. If you want a really short one-word reason, it would be “necessary.” Well, maybe “essential.” Okay, okay, another one-word reason would be “critical.” It is critical that the proposed dues adjustment passes this year. 

I have read the various facts put forward: “It is 13.7 cents a day” or “It is the equivalent of 10 pages of transcript.” And also: “There has been no dues increase in five years.” My rationale is that it is “essential” for me to remain a certified professional. In order to do that, it is “critical” that NCRA remains healthy and viable.

Whether a member learns new skills, technology, or obtains continuing education points, NCRA is there for them.

Whether a member utilizes NCRA resources, gains momentum from the lobbyist, or knows the attorney will advise against harmful laws, NCRA is there for them.

When a student or new professional needs assistance, NCRA is there for them.

And when members gather at annual Conferences, NCRA gives everyone a pathway to grow professionally and personally. 

It is critical that the proposed dues adjustment passes. I do not want to have to decide which program, support, pathway, or certification has to be cut because of the lack of money. Do you? I am voting “Yes” on the dues adjustment. I hope you are as well.

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Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Learn more about the proposal.

Pat Graves, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, is a CART captioner and agency owner based in Monument, Colo. She can be reached at