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Free Saturday Vendor Software Trainings offered by the Foundation’s Ask Me Anything Task Force

The National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF) Ask Me Anything Task Force has arranged free vendor training on Zoom with ProCAT and Stenograph on Saturday, Aug. 24 and Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024, respectively.

“Our hardworking NCRF AMA Task Force Team has arranged these ZoomUp training programs designed to give NCRA member attendees a thorough training experience of the reporting software of their choice from the comfort of their homes,” said NCRF Chair Doug Friend, FAPR, RDR, CRR (Ret.).

Interested members can register now. Please register early as the cutoff is the morning of the Friday before each session: Aug. 23 and Sept. 13. Zoom hours are 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern with lunch break included.

Leveraging the Power of ProCAT to Streamline Your Workflow

The Aug. 24 program with ProCAT features instructor Rick Louie. In this four-hour class, the instructor will explain that editing is where much time is spent! He will review items such as basic words, phrases, misstrokes, formatting symbols, super tokens, macros, and shortcut keys. Attendees will learn about audio playback, layout of the transcript, and changing layouts. How to create the output for attorneys will be reviewed. Additional ProCAT functionality will be demonstrated.

Empower Your Career with Essential CATalyst Training: Confidence Leads to Success!

The Sept. 14 program with Stenograph features instructor Jean Kim. In this four-hour hands-on class, attendees will learn the steps of transcript production using Stenograph-provided files. Each participant will receive the required files, organize them in “Manage Jobs,” include and modify the appropriate standard forms in a translated job, edit the job, spell-check, proof it, and then export the job to both ASCII and PDF for delivery. Attendees will also learn how to store finished jobs for reproduction.

Register now.