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Vote for the dues adjustment and help continue the great work for our incredible profession  

By Cindy L. Isaacsen

I am in my 36th year as a stenographer.  I have traveled and worked all over the world, literally.  I have been a proud member of NCRA since 1988. Our profession and Association have seen me through every season of my life. I have served, not only on my state association, but also currently I am the Vice President of NCRA. I served two years as the Secretary/Treasurer for NCRA and was on the Finance Committee for two years prior giving me a personal view of our finances. Through my time on the Board, I have worked diligently with staff and the NCRA Board of Directors to examine our income and expenses on every level to ensure we are making good use of the funds that come in and go out on a monthly basis. I can assure you that, since I was selected to serve in 2018, every iteration of the Board has been extremely aware of our fiscal responsibilities to our membership. 

In 2019 a dues increase was voted on and implemented in 2020. In 2020 our entire world was impacted by the effects of COVID-19. Everything has changed. Inflation is a fact of life. We cannot expect to get the same goods (or more) in 2024 paying 2019 dollars. Money is important to all of us. We balance our budgets. We are careful about our spending. At the same time, we spend money on what is important and what we value. A $50-per-year adjustment in dues is (where I am working) approximately a 12.5-page transcript which would take me less than 30 minutes to produce, a nominal increase to keep my professional association intact.

Dues adjustment key

We are professionals making professional money. Are we worth professional money? You better believe we are. We have the credentials behind our names to prove it. Thank you, NCRA!! We have advocacy resources to help support and protect our profession. Thank you, NCRA!! We have opportunities to network, increase our knowledge, and earn more certifications. Thank you, NCRA!!     

I stood before you last year asking for a dues adjustment. I am asking you again this year to support OUR Association and support a dues adjustment so we can continue the great work for our incredible profession. 

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Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Learn more about the proposal.

Cindy L. Isaacsen, RPR, is an official court reporter from Shawnee, Kan., and currently serves as NCRA Vice President. She will assume the role of President-Elect at the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo happening Aug. 1-3 in Louisville, Ky. She can be reached at