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Sixth annual NCRA PAC state-themed gift basket raffle happening in Louisville

NCRA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) is working diligently to prioritize the interests of the court reporting, professional captioning, and legal videography communities. If you are planning to attend the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo being held Aug. 1-3 at The Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Ky., you can help support PAC by taking a chance in the sixth annual state-themed gift basket raffle.

Conference attendees who contribute to NCRA PAC will receive physical raffle tickets based on the amount of their contribution. After contributing and receiving raffle tickets, place your tickets in the basket(s) you wish to win. You must be an NCRA member to contribute to NCRA PAC, and you must be physically present to win. The following ticket prices are available:

  • 10 Tickets for a $20 contribution
  • 25 Tickets for a $50 contribution
  • 50 Tickets for a $100 contribution
  • 120 Tickets for a $200 contribution

Only debit and credit cards or checks made out to NCRA PAC will be accepted. The raffle will take place on Saturday, Aug. 2, and contributors must be present to win. Contributors will have the opportunity to win multiple prizes by bidding on multiple baskets.