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NCRA PAC sets record annual fundraiser, aims for $100,000 goal for federal lobbying push

In a landmark achievement, the National Court Reporters Association Political Action Committee (NCRA PAC) broke its own fundraising record set last year, raising $6,369.55 during the sixth annual state-themed gift basket raffle at the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo in Louisville, Ky., earlier this month. As a result, NCRA PAC is projected to have an estimated $76,000 on hand in its next Federal Election Commission (FEC) report. NCRA’s Government Relations Department has set a goal of raising an additional $24,000 to have $100,000 on hand for NCRA PAC by January 2025.

Since its establishment in 1981, NCRA PAC has focused on supporting federal candidates who promote and advance the court reporting, captioning, and legal video professions, working on behalf of NCRA members and protecting their interests.

It was also at the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo that NCRA PAC soft-launched its online contribution platform, the first in its 43-year history.

“Thanks to the generosity of our members who made contributions and to the PAC Governing Board officers for an all-time record for our annual fundraiser this year,” said NCRA PAC Treasurer and Executive Director Dave Wenhold, CAE, PLC. “I encourage all of our members to learn more about NCRA PAC and join the fight.”

Building on the success of this year’s annual fundraiser, NCRA PAC is aiming to raise an additional $24,000 by January 2025 in an unprecedented effort to bolster its federal lobbying efforts. These funds are crucial, as the Association is currently facing a quickly evolving landscape with both domestic and international issues at play during a competitive election cycle.

Basic FEC rules for giving to NCRA PAC:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Must use a personal check or credit card. No business/corporate funds whatsoever.
  • Must be either a member of NCRA or the spouse of a member.
  • A PAC may receive up to $5,000 per year from any one contributor.
  • A married couple has separate contribution limits even if only one spouse has an income.
  • Contributions may not be made to NCRA PAC in the name of another person.
  • Contributions to NCRA PAC must be voluntary. No use of force or threats.

If you are eligible to donate to NCRA PAC, you can chip in here.