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#NCRAGR Alert: Tennessee General Assembly subcommittee votes to extend Board of Court Reporting

On July 31 the Tennessee Government Operations Joint Subcommittee on Commerce, Labor, Transportation and Agriculture met for a sunset public hearing dedicated to the state’s Board of Court Reporting. Initially scheduled to sunset in June 2025, a majority of the 12-person, bipartisan subcommittee voted to extend the deadline by two years. Composed of six House members and six Senate members, the subcommittee was chaired by Rep. John Ragan during this hearing and will have its recommendation sent to the Joint Committee for Government Operations, which will meet at a yet-to-be-determined date.

How the Joint Subcommittee voted:

Senate: Three no votes (Crowe, Rose, Bowling); one aye vote (Taylor); not present: Kyle, Lowe

House: Four no votes (Crawford, Hakeem, Martin, Ragan); two aye votes (Keisling, Reedy)

View the subcommittee’s hearing with the Board of Court Reporting being reviewed beginning at the 1:08:44 minute mark.