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Session highlight: Challenging gender stereotypes and amplifying women’s voices in the legal system

In her compelling session, “Excuse Me for Talking (While You Were Interrupting),” at the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo, Laura Landenwich, a civil rights and social justice attorney, explored the gender stereotypes that silence women’s voices in our culture and examined the impact these biases have on their experiences within the legal system. Landenwich highlighted the stark contrast in how societal roles and behaviors are perceived based on gender. While men who are loud or assertive are often praised as strong and decisive, she suggested, women who exhibit the same traits are frequently labeled as “aggressive” or “confrontational.” This session underscored the critical importance of women using their voices, refusing to be overshadowed by male counterparts, and challenging the entrenched stereotypes that attempt to silence them.

The second part of the presentation transitioned into an interactive format where attendees were invited to share their views and opinions on various scenarios illustrating the impact of gender stereotypes. Participants actively engaged in discussions, reflecting on their own experiences and exploring how societal expectations influence the perception of assertiveness in both men and women. This interactive segment provided a valuable platform for attendees to voice their perspectives, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the unique challenges women face, particularly in the legal system, due to these ingrained biases.

The session highlighted the importance of women speaking up for themselves and emphasized the need for their voices to be heard and respected rather than being drowned out by the often-louder voices of men. This session left attendees feeling connected and motivated.