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Session highlight: Making it as a new professional

Amie First and Joshua Edwards

Almost every seat was taken in the room as students and new professionals gathered to listen to “Branding Yourself Professional,” a session presented by Joshua Edwards, RDR, CRR, CRC; Lisa Migliore Black; Kim Xavier, RDR, CRR, CRC, CMRS, CRI; and hosted by Amie First, RDR, CRR, CRC, CPE. The session promised to help attendees “find their professional rhythm” by sharing the tools for success in getting hired and staying hired.

First up was professional attire. It’s important to know the difference between “work attire,” “workout attire,” and “working-it attire,” they said.

Communication skills are equally important — not just for the interview and resume, but for day-to-day communication, professional correspondence, and emails. Be confident and assertive in your conversations, and practice good punctuation and spelling. And no emojis!

Speaking of emails, make sure to use a professional email address that incorporates your name or something steno-related, counseled First, an official reporter from Orlando, Fla. (Hers is Avoid email addresses that are too personal or familiar such as HottieNYC@gmail, she suggested.

Social media may seem like dangerous waters, but Edwards, a CART captioner and agency owner from New York City, said it’s a First Amendment issue. It is okay to “post pictures of yourself partying or expressing your political opinions.” Court reporters are people too. “The right to free speech is sacrosanct,” he said, and then handed out mini copies of the U.S. Constitution. “Court reporters should sound smart,” he added.

And dating might not have been top of mind during a session on professionalism, but Xavier, an official reporter in Arlington, Texas, who often has interns job-shadowing in her courthouse, has experience with “meet cutes” gone wrong. “It’s okay to find love at the courthouse,” she said, “but not on the job.”

One last piece of advice from First for a successful career: “Read the JCR Magazine and the JCR Weekly.” Stay informed.

See full covereage of the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Joshua Edwards, RDR, CRR, CRC, is a CART captioner and agency owner from New York, N.Y. He can be reached at Lisa Migliore Black is a freelancer and agency owner from Louisville, Ky. She can be reached at Kim Xavier, RDR, CRR, CRC, CMRS, CRI, is an official from Arlington, Texas. She can be reached at kimberlyxaviercsr@gmail.comAmie First, RDR, CRR, CRC, CPE, is an official from Orlando, Fla. She can be reached at