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Fall into savings with up to 20 percent off in the NCRA Learning Center

Missed the NCRA Conference & Expo in Louisville this summer? Need CEUs? From now until the end of September, members can choose any two or more items* in the NCRA Learning Center and receive 20 percent off (10 percent off for nonmembers). If you haven’t visited the NCRA Learning Center in a while, it is full of new titles!

NCRA recorded 22 of the most popular sessions from the Conference and will be releasing them on-demand this month. Whether you still need CEUs, or just want to check out some of these exciting sessions, you’ll fall for this great deal.

Nine Louisville conference titles are available now!

Hot Like Wasabi!

Mastering the Future: Court Reporters Harnessing AI Excellence

Best Practices for Videographers and Reporters

Backup, Backup, Backup!

Let Me Hear Your Body Talk: Understanding Body Language 101

Being Victorious Over Vicarious Trauma

Technology in the Legal Community

The Scopes Monkey Trial

Minding the Gap

Watch for more to come next week!

  • Be the Best Court Reporter YOU Can Be
  • Bending Without Breaking
  • CART Captioning in the Legal Setting: Staying in Your Lane
  • CLVS Council Takes on Postproduction
  • Discover the Disconnects with DISC
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access 101
  • New Tech and Equipment Trends for Legal Videographers
  • Preparing for Success in Realtime Depositions, a contrast of two writers
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  • Should I? or Shouldn’t I?
  • So You Want to Start Your Own Business: Tips, best practices, and what you need to get started.
  • The Cyber Pandemic
  • Unmasking CART for Court Reporters
  • XOXO for UX/UI

*Certification Education is excluded.

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