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An NCRA Conference & Expo in my hometown

By Vanessa Johns

This summer everyone gathered in my hometown, Louisville, Ky., for the NCRA Conference & Expo. It was a blast to welcome professionals and students from around the world to Louisville. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones at the Conference is a given, but to be able to interact in person is a rare treat. I especially loved getting to meet my mentor, my co-presenter, members of my practice group, and many SimplySteno students I’ve only ever seen online.

Since I was already in town, I was able to observe the Speed and Realtime Contests on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s hard to describe sitting in a room with some of the best of the best. While there was a little tension in the air, their camaraderie was even more noticeable. I was especially drawn to the live readers of the dictations. If you have a chance to watch the contests as a student, you will walk away motivated to nail your next test!

Speaking at a national conference was a bucket list item for me, and I was thrilled to collaborate with Chris DeGrazio for our presentation, Steno Study Buddies: A Guide to Finding and Creating Community Through Virtual Practice Groups. Chris’s knowledge and passion for helping students and new reporters made him the perfect partner for this project. Since students do most of their work alone at home, we wanted to bring resources and ideas to help them use their time productively in virtual practice groups. We had fun engaging with everyone during the session. If you missed it, we’re continuing the fun in the Steno Study Buddies Facebook group!

Students, start planning for next year’s NCRA Conference & Expo in Minneapolis, Minnesota! Build relationships now to make planning your trip that much easier when the time comes. You may find sponsorship for your registration through NCRA, your school, or a mentor. Sharing a hotel room with another student can help with the overall cost, and you’ll have a built-in Conference buddy. When you arrive in Minneapolis, walk into the hotel with a whole new attitude! Whatever you need to achieve your steno goal —steno friends, a mentor, a job, or a new machine — you can find it at the Conference!

The NCRA Conference is a whirlwind weekend and never long enough! I was exhausted but sad to see everyone leave. I’m grateful for a few days to learn and share meals together. In 2025 I’m looking forward to attending my first national conference as a reporter. I can’t wait to give back to students what has been shared with me!

Vanessa Johns, from Louisville, Ky., is a student in her 160s at SimplySteno. She can be reached at

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