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Are you an early renewer?

NCRA 2025 membership renewals have only been open for a few weeks, but already so many of you have decided to be “Early Renewers.” Maybe it was the chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card (with additional prizes up for grabs in October and Nobember), but you’ve let us know there’s more to NCRA membership than entering a raffle.

Allison Kimmel
Allison Kimmel

Allison A. Kimmel, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, an official reporter from Marysville, Ohio, and adjunct faculty at Clark State College, renewed early because it makes it easier to budget expenses throughout the fall and the holidays. She also places a high value on her NCRA membership – and what it can do for her. “I live in a non-certification state, and many would argue that the certifications are not necessary. However, none of us has a crystal ball of what our futures may hold. Life can change in an instant and unexpectedly. I prefer to keep my professional options available, and that means maintaining my certifications and my professional memberships.”

Laurie Crutcher
Laurie Crutcher

A member for more than 25 years, Laurie Crutcher, RPR, from Helena, Mont., is appreciative of the advocacy efforts NCRA is making on behalf of its members, particularly in the field of AI. “Montana Court Administrator’s office hires digital recorders for the same pay as stenographers,” says Crutcher. “I think blank spots in recordings are becoming more common because the recorders aren’t started again. The pay is so low and cost of living so high that stenographers won’t move here and we’re aging out. I hear many questions about AI replacing me and so I describe all the different kinds of cases that I’m involved with. Thanks for all you do.”

Bianca Blocker
Bianca Blocker

Our students also see the value in renewing early and being active members of the Association. “I renewed early,” says Bianca Blocker, a student from Philadelphia, Pa., “because I believe it is pertinent to the success of any student to remain up to date with renewals as it helps to stay involved and keep abreast of all things court reporting!”

Shana R. Henry
Shana R. Henry

And Shana R. Henry, a student from Charlotte, Texas, simply wanted to get it done. “I felt it was important to go ahead and renew now rather than wait until it gets closer to the deadline,” she says. “Being prompt and intentional with your decisions alleviates the procrastination that will sometimes set in. I like to be proactive with my actions.”

By renewing early, you can not only check something off your fall to-do list, but you can also keep those renewal emails out of your inbox and save paper and postage by not receiving a paper invoice.

Early renew email sample

In addition, all members who renew before the end of October will receive a graphic to proudly display on social media or as an email banner to let others know they have renewed early. It’s a small sign to show our appreciation, but we want everyone to know that our early renewing members are awesome!

Ready to renew your membership? Learn more about the benefits of renewing early here.

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