Susan Kiger, RPR, a freelancer from Reno, Nev., is the winner of a drawing for NCRA members who renewed their membership in the month of November. Kiger, who joined NCRA in 2020, has won a $100 Amazon gift card. “Being a member of NCRA provides the opportunity to network, work on my skills, get those certifications! It has opened a lot of doors for me,” she says.
Kiger credits her mother with discovering court reporting for her while she was in high school. She enrolled in court reporting school shortly after graduation and has been a reporter since 1988.
As a freelancer, Kiger found the flexibility to spend more time with her son, Chris. “Being a court reporter made it possible for me to see [him] play baseball starting at age five all the way through college,” she says. “I didn’t have to miss many of his games or practices!”
Kriger was excited about winning the Amazon gift card, saying she would either buy herself a treat or donate to her local animal shelter.
If you have not already, now is the perfect time to renew your membership. You can also give the gift of membership to colleagues who are not yet members of NCRA.