It’s time to shine a light on those who are contributing to the profession and the Association. Now is your chance to give a fellow court reporter or captioner the recognition they deserve. Nominations are now being accepted for the NCRA Distinguished Service Award, the CASE Award of Excellence, and the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters.
NCRA Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is the highest honor NCRA can bestow on a member. It recognizes the distinguished work and service by an individual member for the benefit of the court reporting and captioning professions including service to NCRA as a member, a committee member, a director, or an officer of the Association. Other displays of distinguished work include contributing to the JCR, service at a state court reporters association, or work in the field of public relations or public affairs. Award winners are recognized at the NCRA Conference & Expo. Nominations close February 28.

The 2024 DSA was awarded to Sarah Nageotte, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, an official federal court reporter from Jefferson, Ohio. Nominations from her peers included praise for Nageotte such as “devoted,” “committed,” and “working above and beyond to promote and further the stenographic court reporting and captioning professions.”
“Sarah’s devotion to her profession is readily apparent in everything she does. She does so much more than observe. I have watched her evolve from a volunteer for OCRA to serving in the highest ranks of NCRA. She exemplifies professionalism in every interaction. She has made a tremendous impact on me personally and professionally,” said Allison A. Kimmel, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, an official court reporter and broadcast captioner from Marysville, Ohio.
CASE Award of Excellence. The CASE Award of Excellence recognizes an outstanding educator who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of court reporter education through teaching, research, involvement with students, and the profession. Was there someone special who inspired you or who got you through the ups, downs, and plateaus of your court reporting classes? If your teacher was an incredible influence in your getting started, now is the time to say thank you by nominating them for the CASE Award of Excellence. Nominations close February 28.
The 2024 CASE Award of Excellence was awarded to Karen Santucci, CRI, a court reporting instructor and school administrator from Forest Hills, N.Y. Santucci started her court reporting career working in the Queens County District Attorney’s office assisting the grand jury court reporters and moved on to teach at the Business Informatics Center and the Long Island Business Institute before joining Plaza College. She has worked in all capacities developing and implementing course curriculum, teaching theory and speedbuilding, and directing court reporting faculty.
Santucci is also an active member of NCRA and regularly participates in industry conferences and workshops to stay current with the latest advancements and best practices.
Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters (FAPR). Fellow of the Academy of Professional Reporters is a professional distinction conferred upon a person of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in the field of verbatim stenographic reporting and/or stenographic captioning. Candidates for Fellowship are required to have been in the active practice of reporting/captioning for at least 15 years. Criteria for nomination include the publication of important papers, legislative or creative contributions to the field, and service on committees or boards. Nominations close February 28.
The 2024 recipients of the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters are Dr. Geanell C. Adams, FAPR, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI; Debra Dibble, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC; Jo Anne Horn Leger, FAPR, RPR, CRR; and Donna Urlaub, FAPR, RMR, CRR.