Just in time for the new year, some exciting scholarship opportunities are opening up for students. Two $2,000 awards are available for recent interns, and students testing in the 90-130 wpm range can apply for a $5,000 scholarship that includes use of a student writer and software. These National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF) scholarships can help support your educational goals, making it easier for you to focus on your studies.
NCRF Gina Battaglia Memorial Student Intern Scholarship
The NCRF Gina Battaglia Memorial Student Intern Scholarship is intended to help an NCRA student member who has been an intern in the past 12 months. Two awards of $2,000 each are available to provide additional resources for students during their court reporting education. Applications open Jan. 8.

This scholarship was created by NCRF Trustees and Angel Gatherers Committee members to honor the memory of Gina Battaglia, daughter of Foundation Angel Stephanie Zeder Battaglia, RMR, CRR, a freelance court reporter from Hinsdale, Ill. Friends, colleagues, and other NCRA supporters have donated generously to help fund this campaign.
Applicants must be nominated by their court reporting programs and must also submit a letter of recommendation and an essay. Judicial, CART, and captioning students are encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply is Feb. 28. Visit the scholarship page for full eligibility and submission details.
The 2024 winners of the scholarship were Jessica Allen-Koontz of Los Angeles, Calif., and Angie Podge, RSR, of Kansas City, Mo.
“This scholarship will be a great help as I finish my court reporting journey in school and start my journey as a working court reporter,” said Allen-Koontz, a student at College of Court Reporting in Valparaiso, Ind.
Sharing her enthusiasm and her appreciation of this award, Podge, who has graduated, said, “This award reminds me that the supportive court reporting community is rooting for me to succeed.”
To contribute to the NCRF Gina Battaglia Memorial Student Intern Scholarship, text keyword ginab to 41444 or donate online.
Stenograph Milton H. Wright Memorial Scholarship
The National Court Reporters Foundation was excited to announced last month the launch of a brand-new merit-based award worth more than $5,000 in tuition plus the use of a student writer and software. The Stenograph Milton H. Wright Memorial Scholarship, honoring Stenograph’s founder, offers court reporting students material support during their schooling.
To be eligible to apply, students must have an exemplary academic record, have passed at least one skills test writing 90 wpm or higher, and write an essay. Full details and an application can be found on the scholarship web page. Applications open on Jan. 8 and will be accepted through March 19.
“This exciting opportunity is designed to support the growth of the court reporting industry and assist students on their path to joining the profession,” said Mark Kuczora, Stenograph Vice President of Marketing.
“We at the Foundation are proud to partner with Stenograph and offer this generous student scholarship,” said NCRF Chair Doug Friend, FAPR, RDR, CRR (Ret.). “We are hoping for a slew of student applications for this tuition, machine, and software scholarship package.”
Tips for successfully applying for scholarships
All NCRA and NCRF scholarships
For more information about NCRF scholarships and grants, visit NCRA.org/scholarships or contact Jill Parker Landsman at ncrfoundation@ncra.org or jlandsman@ncra.org. The National Court Reporters Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the National Court Reporters Association, and its mission is to support the court reporting and captioning professions through activities funded through charitable contributions.