Registration extension closes January 17
If you’re still clearing out your inbox post-vacation or recovering from the holiday haze, you may have missed our exciting news: Registration for the 2025 NCRA Leadership and Legislative Boot Camp and the hotel room block was extended! However, this is your last opportunity to secure your spot in Washington as the extension closes on January 17.
We have also released the agenda for this year’s event. Highlights from our 2025 gathering include:
- Advocating Legislative Staff for Judicial Integrity – Crafting your message to resonate with staff on the Hill
- Committee testimony simulation – Members will be delivering testimony they crafted with teammates during a working lunch.
- Politics 101: “Being a part of the process helps!” – A politics primer given by NCRA Executive Director Dave Wenhold
In addition to these events, we’ve also confirmed Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor, who is set to deliver the keynote address.
Finally, for the first time a panel of external subject experts will be on hand to take your questions on issues such as political action committees, grassroots organizing and mobilizing, and effective storytelling.
After a day of advocacy, we’ll gather for dinner at a Capitol Hill hotspot for a chance to debrief and socialize.
Join your colleagues for the opportunity to secure the future of court reporting and captioning. The clock is ticking, though. You must register by Friday, January 17. Sign up today!
We look forward to seeing you in Washington!