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It’s a first and a first!

Amanda Trenkle, RPR; Merissa Racine, RDR; Gov. Mark Gordon; Emma Harris, RPR, CRR; and Tammy Fleming, RPR

Congratulations to the Wyoming Court Reporters Association for being the first state to secure an official proclamation recognizing 2025 Court Reporting & Captioning Week and for doing it for the first time ever in the state’s history.

For the first time in Wyoming history, Governor Mark Gordon proclaimed the first week in February as Court Reporting and Captioning Week according to Amanda Trenkle, RPR, an official court reporter from Casper, Wy., and a member of the Wyoming Court Reporters Association, who wrote:

“As reporters we were privileged to be on the front lines of this historic occasion. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of pride and accomplishment as the governor acknowledged the indispensable contributions of court reporters and captioners. This proclamation highlights the vital role of stenographic court reporters and captioners in the legal community and beyond.

“Being recognized with a proclamation is a moment that acknowledges our unwavering dedication, exceptional skill, and the profound impact reporters and captioners have on society. This recognition is a tribute to the meticulous work it takes, often behind the scenes, capturing every word and preserving the truth.

“For many the spoken word is fleeting, but reporters give it permanence. We ensure voices are heard, stories are preserved, and justice is served. Our work supports the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities, provides transparency in the legal process, and contributes to the historical record.

“The Court Reporting and Captioning Week Proclamation is more than a mere declaration. It’s a testament to the skill, dedication, and integrity of our court reporters and captioners. This proclamation honors the countless hours invested in our craft capturing every word with precision and upholding the highest standards of our profession. Almost 50 reporters represent the state of Wyoming. Our dedication and camaraderie fortify our community, reminding us that though our numbers may be small our impact is profound.”

It’s official in Virginia too

Michele Eddy, RPR, CRR, CRI, a court reporter from Washington, D.C., and president of the Virginia Court Reporters Association, shared with NCRA that Gov. Glen Youngkin has also officially recognized Feb. 1-8 as NCRA’s 2025 Court Reporting & Captioning Week throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Join Wyoming and Virginia and send in your state’s proclamation!

Reach out to your state or local officials and request an official proclamation recognizing 2025 Court Reporting & Captioning Week. Send a copy of your proclamation to and your state will be entered into a drawing to win a free registration to the 2025 NCRA Conference & Expo being held July 24-26 in Minneapolis, Minn.