The city of Alexandria, Va., hosted NCRA’s Leadership & Legislative event. The “boot camp”-style conference, the brainchild of NCRA’s Executive Director Dave Wenhold, CAE, PLC, was marked by special recognition from Alexandria Mayor Alyia Gaskins with a proclamation dedicated to recognizing Court Reporting & Captioning Week.
The mayor also expressed her gratitude to NCRA’s members, acknowledging their professional dedication as well as the significance of their visit to Alexandria from various parts of the country. Following her remarks, Mayor Gaskins took time to speak with attendees as well as NCRA’s officers who were in attendance for a deeper discussion on the challenges and prospects within the profession.
Gaskins, the first Black female to be elected Alexandria’s mayor in its 276-year history, reiterated the city’s support for its court reporting and captioning workers, both as employees and residents, by reading the proclamation to attendees who traveled from around the country for this year’s event.
The highlight of the morning came when Mayor Gaskins presented a proclamation to NCRA’s President Keith R. Lemons, FAPR, RPR, CRR (Ret.), and President-Elect Cindy L. Isaacsen, RPR.
“Thank you, Mayor Gaskins, for recognizing the important and oftentimes underappreciated role NCRA’s court reporters and professional captioners play,” Isaacsen said. “We are honored to call Alexandria our home this week.”