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Stepping stones to a stenography career

The NCRA A to Z program thanks our vendor partners

Test driving a career is not usually a choice when deciding on a profession. At NCRA we’re proud to offer a critical stepping stone to stenography with the NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program. The program offers participants the opportunity to preview of a stenography career before committing to a school or program.

The next step on the educational journey for those who complete the program is generously supported through partnerships with industry leaders. Stenograph, ProCAT, and Advantage Software have all made commitments to provide participants with exclusive discounts and promotions.

Please read more about each company’s support below.


Advantage Software logo

Stenograph supports the program with low-cost rentals three times a year for our A to Z with Live Zoom sessions. The company has also committed to growing the pool of writers they have allocated through recent initiatives. Once participants complete the program, Stenograph continues their commitment with the offer of free CATalyst Student licenses to those who enroll in a stenography school program. To learn more about Stenograph’s products and services, visit


ProCAT also provides low-cost rentals three times a year to A to Z with Live Zoom participant. They proudly offer any student completing the program a $500 discount on a Blaze student writer. This purchase comes with 100 percent investment protection, meaning students can trade their Blaze writer in for full value (up to three years from the date of purchase) towards a professional machine. Additionally, ProCAT offers Winner student software for an affordable $99, which includes free online training tutorials. Please contact the sales team at with questions.

Advantage Software

Advantage Software logo

Advantage Software extended their current offer. The company reports it has successfully enrolled more than 111 students and provided them with complimentary access to Eclipse Student software for 2 years. Advantage Software is excited to see continued growth of stenography and the profession. “Advantage Software is proud to extend our support for NCRA A to Z and is honored to participate in this important initiative … helping to make a lasting impact on the next generation of stenographers,” said Patrick Seely, Advantage Software Vice President.  To contact the sales team, email

The NCRA A to Z program is grateful for the generosity and support all three vendors for those who complete the program and begin their first steps into the profession.

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