NCRA’s Board of Directors has announced the adoption of a new tagline that will accompany the official logo to better recognize its captioner membership. The new tagline, which will appear under the official logo, will read: The Association for Court Reporters and Captioners.
“The new tagline is in line with one of the goals of the Association’s 2019-2021 strategic plan, which calls for including captioning in all of our language. The new tagline also reflects the Board of Directors’ forward-thinking strategy to move NCRA into the future,” said NCRA President Sue A. Terry, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance court reporter from Springfield, Ohio.
The 2018 business meeting in New Orleans provided an opportunity for members to vote on a new name for the Association that included captioners. While it didn’t pass, many discussions regarding opportunities and challenges arose from the subject. There was support for the idea of the name change, but there were also practical concerns that hadn’t been addressed. At the recent Board meeting in May, the Board discussed and voted on the new tagline, which demonstrates their commitment to evaluating everything NCRA has been doing and determining where improvements can be made in all areas. This is part of the Board’s vision in creating NCRA 2.0.
Carol Studenmund, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, of Portland, Ore., along with NCRA’s Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) Certification Committee that she co-chairs, had a solution and championed the proposal to the Board to change the tagline this spring.
The solution agreed to by the Board was one that enabled the Association to retain the NCRA name and logo but still communicated that this organization supports captioners as well.
Benefits of retaining the NCRA name and logo as is include name recognition throughout other entities in the field, such as the Federal Communications Commission, Congress, and the state legislatures.
“The new tagline reinforces the fact that captioners and court reporters already share many of the same skills and issues, and by banding together through NCRA, they can better find ways to promote both captioners and court reporters. There is strength in numbers,” Studenmund added.
“The new tagline will help both court reporters and captioners move forward as a profession and as an association,” Studenmund said. “We are all better together, and the new tagline – The Association for Court Reporters and Captioners – will help us do that.”
The new logo with tagline will be incorporated into all NCRA communications over the coming months.