Amy Yarbrough is a CART captioner and freelance reporter in Neptune Beach, Fla. She serves on several committees and the board of directors of the Florida Court Reporters Association. In her spare time, she enjoys biking and running on her local beaches.
JCR | What was the hardest part of transitioning from school to the real world?
AY | Entering a very competitive job market. Northeast Florida is full of talented reporters.
JCR | What do you know now that you wish you’d known when first starting out?
AY | Practicing to dictation is not just for students! Short, clean writing will be a lifelong pursuit and should always be the cornerstone of your focus as you grow professionally.
JCR | What’s the most exciting experience you have had working in the profession?
AY | During the 2016 presidential race, I was asked to provide CART during a campaign rally President Obama was headlining. The energy in the room was electric.
JCR | What was the best piece of advice you’ve received from another court reporter?
AY | Always be prepared. Perform regular maintenance of your steno bag to make sure you have plenty of pens, paper clips, and exhibit stickers. And never, ever arrive late!
JCR | How has involvement with state and national reporting associations benefited you so far?
AY | My state association has given me friendships to last a lifetime. The support and camaraderie of our colleagues is very special and something to be cherished. Having seasoned reporters to lean on for advice and encouragement has inspired me to always do my best, and I believe we bring out the best in one another.