Maybe you have already registered for the 2019 NCRA Convention & Expo in Denver, Colo. August 15-18. Or maybe you are still trying to decide whether to go. Up-to-Speed offers the top 10 reasons why students should take advantage of the great opportunity.
- Special student discount pricing. Student members pay only $150 for a full registration; student nonmembers: $235. Registration includes complete student track seminars, 3-day Expo Hall pass, Meet & Greet Reception with NCRA Board, Opening Reception, Premier Session, and Awards Luncheon.
- Networking. The NCRA Convention & Expo is the largest gathering of court reporters and captioners in the country, so students have a good chance of meeting a wide range of working professionals. “Really be open-minded about working reporters sincerely wanting to help you because they are so passionate about this profession,” said Sarah Hamilton, a student at the College of Court Reporting in Valparaiso, Ind.
- Knowledge. With sessions aimed specifically for students – such as “Good Reporter/Bad Reporter,” “Steno Speed Dating,” and “You Want Me to Do What” – attendees will learn tips and strategies to help them succeed during school and after they graduate.
- Motivation. “Going to convention as a student was something I looked forward to every year,” said Callie Sajdera, a graduate of Anoka Technical College in Anoka, Minn. who is a presenter this year. “The convention always gave me a rejuvenating feeling and motivated me to push myself through school. Whenever I am running low on motivation, it seems to be just around convention time!”
- Community. Convention is a great way to build relationships with other students, especially for those who attend online programs. “Hearing stories from others who have had the same struggles is encouraging, said Michael Roberts, a student at Brown College of Court Reporting in Atlanta, Ga., “because you find out you’re not the only one dealing with these conflicts.”
- Meet the NCRA Board. Students are invited to a special meet and greet with the NCRA Board of Directors
- Premier Session with Keynote Speaker. Attend the Premier Session with Erin Brokovich, national recognized consumer advocate and environmental advocate.
- Expo Hall. Student registration includes access to the Expo Hall, where they can view products and demonstrations by vendors.
- NCRA. Learn more about what your association can do for you.
- Denver, Colo. Visit the Mile High City while you are in town for the convention!
View Student Track Sessions