During the Aug. 15 NCRA Annual Business Meeting, NCRA members took up the question of increasing membership dues and voted to proceed with an increase effective with the 2020 dues. When the Board of Directors put forward the proposal, it noted that a dues increase is critical to maintain and grow the services provided to NCRA members and to continue the Association’s efforts to advance and advocate for the professions. Dues for NCRA membership last increased in 2016.
Reporter dues will be raised to $300 for Registered and Participating members and to $179 for Associate members. Student dues will be raised to $55. (The chart below shows the new dues for additional groups.) Members who opted to become Lifetime retired members before Dec. 31, 2017, and those who were granted honorary status will continue to pay no dues.
The proposed amounts take into account the various parameters put in place on dues for certain membership categories by the Constitution & Bylaws.
Reporter (U.S.) — $300
Reporter (international) – $150
Associate (U.S.) – $179
Associate (International) – $145
Retired (as of Jan. 1, 2018) – $150
Student – $55